"___" are names dat i will not just mention anymore.
>hatin me n destroyn me i cn accept bt quit it alrdy w ___.she gets d picture.
>tho how many tyms u txt n tok 2 her,its all b done.f u r more decent dan me,dnt stoop 2 my level n hurt sum1 hu dnt do shit 2 u.
i thot ur not gonna talk2 me anym0r? n i knw she gets d picture.. bt m just granting hr requests. hu's doin shit 2 hu? ur d only shithead here. not contented in doin shitty things 2 ___, u also decided 2 mess with me. u deserv 2 fil this way ______.. pro kulang pa toh. da rest.. bhla na ang mundo syo.
>hahaha.wil u nt evr get it?dis s hu i am n wil alwys b.u thnk im scard of d world? im nt!wat makes me me s d thngs arnd me.
>u stoop 2 my level s d best reward.i turnd sum1 lyk u in2 sum1 lyk me hu doesnt thnk nymre bt jst do thngs 2 satisfy himself.thnk abt it,u myt find dat its true
wat makes u u eh ung mga hang ups mo sa buhay.. ur issues.. i get it ___. mtgal na ac2ali. cnbi ko b takot ka sa mundo? ndi. cnbi ko u wil suffr n suffr... n yes u wil nvr change, dats y u wil nvr find peace. n no, u ddnt turn me in2 sum1 lyk u, bcoz all i did 2 ___ is tel her d truth. apparently ur n0t dat prson.. think abt dat.
>wats 2 thnk?ur hurtng her by doin wat u do!i hurt her in my part bt d rest s al u.denial wont get u nywer.suffr? i dnt thnk so.f i wil,dat makes lyf...lyf!
i cnt beliv m evn wastng my txt on u u fuckin bastard. i cnt beliv m evn wastng my tym reading ur txt msgs. now liv ur miserable life. hope all of d hu cares abt u pa n hu u care abt wil stop caring 4 u.. coz u nvr rili cared abt dem. if u want 2 b miserable in ur life, wag kang mandamay ng iba. go liv in ur own selfrotting shell. dont pull ppl down with u. stop txtng me n giv me bak my stuff.
>*hahahahahha!!oh ul have it ol bak miss! dont u wori. ul evn hav it back a 10fold. at least i achievd sumthng..fun. game ovr. u lose!
and dont go blaming me 4 hurting ___.. u did this. u just cant accept the fact that all the ppl u care abt r turning their backs against u na.. payback's a bitch isn't it? i lose? u won? keep saying dat 2 urself, n sumday u myt ac2ali beliv it.
>hus hurting now?hahahaha.i aint n u kno dat i dnt.paybak,its a bitch hu i happen 2 giv 2 odrs.
sori bt if u want 2 hurt me, b sure u ac2ali knw wat 2 say n how 2 say watevr it is u want 2 say. u jst provd 2 urslf n 2 me how lame u r.
[and bow............. he wasnt able to txt back anym0re... BARADO? or... naubusan ng load? hu fuckin cares...?]
you know what happened?... God, i can't contain my excitement...!
..............i think my wish just came true.
now i'm starting to believe again that wishes do come true. HAHA!
who would think i would be friends with his "original"?
just today, she and i talked....... for a very long time.
i used my cellphone... to think i had only P170 pesos worth of credit, but i needed to talk to her. in my gut i felt i needed to do it. and boy did i learn already that when your gut is telling you something... you should follow it immediately.
and VOILA! it all went well...... who would think it all went well.........?
....actually.......better than i expected?
i asked her if she was the one who emailed me... and she said yes. she said that it was her coz she put her name on it. but i told her, well... her beloved has a track record of using her name... so i just wanted to make sure.
and then... we started to talk... i also apologized and... i really felt overwhelmed... and that made me start to cry... and then i apologized to her... then she said, "no... it's ok really..."
and our whole conversation... it was really calm (well, maybe at first)... it was like two girl friends talking to one another about their problems...
she and i cleared up some stuff... no, a LOT of stuff... and it was nice...
it was so much fun talking to her... really. i felt like i was talking to myself...
well...not really. i mean... what i mean is...
oh who gives a damn anyway...
the most important thing is that we SHARED A LOT of things... shitty things he did to US.
and it's like, when she and i talked... we healed each other's wounds... the wounds we all shared.
i should've given her more credit... i thought she was dumber than me. good thing i was wrong.
and then the most incredible thing happened...
i heard him in the background!
i laughed when she said, "i'm talking to nikki!.....she told me everything..." then she was still talking to him, she said... "........what for? what do you mean what for? you already know what its all for!"
and i was cursing and laughing at the same time, i told her, tell him this... tell him that... and she complied.... and she passed my messages to him...
oh yeah........ and she told me all sorts of other lies that he told her...
OMG! the nerve of that guy i swear! i wonder how he could still sleep soundly every night after all the shit he did to all these people...
or maybe that's his problem....... he's trying so hard for other people to care about him so that in times like these... he'll have some fall back...
yeah that's another thing... the words i'm thinking in my head... she'll say it for me first... it's like we have the same wave length.
anyway, now i feel so good. i really do.
i can't believe how happy i am.
but i know, i won't be celebrating soon UNTIL that bastard really goes down.
and i'm accepting it...
i hope he receives his karma, too...
i want his karma to hit him right into his head... or where it will really hurt...
i... want him to end up with nothing...
those people he kept for himself... 2 people to be exact... because of his selfishness... should not come back to him...
he already lost me... so now i just hope he doesn't get the other one...
not because i'm jealous...
but JUST because... i want him to feel pain...
i want him to suffer, too...
i want to leave him with his hands really empty........ and no one to fill it up again... for a very very VERY VERY VERY long time.
4. Don't invite your friend who hasn't slept for the whole 24 hours and invite her to accompany you the whole day just to listen to all of your crap. Let her sleep first for at least 5 hours.
3. Don't watch a movie. ANY movie that has a love story in it... JUST DON'T!
2. Surgically remove your hormonal glands.
1. That's life.........
--Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870)
--Beatrice Saunders
--Victor Hugo
--Sharon Salzberg
--Robert Fulghum
--Bryce Courtney
--Katherine Hepburn
--Henry Drummond British Clergyman
--Emmet Fox
--Paul Valery
--Franklin P. Jones
--James Baldwin
--Devan Penegar
--Margaret Kennedy
--J. Krishnamurti
--George Van Valkenburg
--Erica Jong
--Tom Wilson
--Henry David Thoreau
--John Lennon
--Bertrand Russell
--Mother Teresa
--Sigmund Freud
--Richard Bach
--Barbara DeAngelis
--Anatole France
--Philip Barry
If it is something you can live with... die for... and face God with... then go for it... - Didache 2004
It's better to lose your pride to the one you love,
than to lose the one you love because of pride.
Ateneans are proud to be Ateneans. That's fine.
That's wonderful.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with that.
In the same way, LaSallians are proud to be from La Salle. And the UP Maroons are proud to have studied in UP, and the students from FEU, UST, Adamson, National University,and the University of the East, I'm willing to bet, are proud of being from their respective schools.
That's natural. That's fine.
But there's something wrong with the way Ateneans project their pride. To them it's like they're better because they're from Ateneo. When they are defeated, they look at the trophy they failed to win and then they look at the winner and they say, "At least, we're from THE Ateneo". And the rest of us look at them and think, "So what?"
The worst part is these jerks don't get it that we don't get what they're so @#%$ proud of. They say stuff like "I have a diploma from Ateneo" or "I graduated from Ateneo". Big @#%$ deal. We all have or will have diplomas. We all graduated or will graduate from somewhere.
What are they trying to say? That their diploma is better than ours? Why the @#%$ would that be? Because they come from an extremely proud school? But what exactly are they proud of? Losing? In what field does Ateneo excel above all others? I really want to know. They're obviously not the most athletic school. There is no evidence that they're better than any of the top schools in the Philippines, academically speaking.
Where did they get that idea anyway? That they have superior academics? What kind of grass are they growing in those fields? And why is their administration letting them smoke it? And why do they refer to their school as "THE Ateneo". What kind of @#%$ up English are they teaching there? Not even the biggest universities in the United States refer to themselves this way. Ever hear anyone say that they graduated from "THE Harvard" or that they have a degree from "THE Stanford". If we follow their logic, then I guess we can now refer to "THE Adamson" and "THE Far Eastern".
You motherfuckers. Where did they teach you to use the word "THE" anyway? What @#%$ of a professor told you it's okay to use "THE" before a proper noun? Do you know when "THE" is commonly used before a proper noun? When you refer to something totally distinct. Like "THE Michael Jordan". So when you motherfuckers refer to "THE Ateneo", I guess we should all just assume that you're referring to that school on Katipunan with the turkey on the gym? And not the Law School or some Ateneo school God-knows-where. Because otherwise, we'd have to reach the conclusion that you actually believe your school to be above the rest. And that, motherfuckers, is just pure arrogance considering there is NO proof that it is.
Believe it, assholes. Only in Ateneo is Ateneo "THE Ateneo". Everywhere else, Ateneo's just another school. Don't go claiming you're better unless you can prove it. And no, shitheads, it's not enough to say you're from "THE Ateneo" because like I said, only you give a @#%$. All that means is that you have decent grades (maybe), have moneyed parents and/or know the right people.
But that's most of us too, motherfuckers. Except we don't have a bad attitude. Don't call yourself our archrivals. Archrivals are supposed to be on the same level. You are not. While we're dancing with the angels, you're about a hundred million levels below @#%$. "Men for others," my ass.
You dickheads are the most self-absorbed group of myopic outcasts I've ever seen. Just ask any school. People may hate De La Salle because we kick ass. But they definitely hate you because you guys are just that...asses.
from Friendster bulletin board (posted by JM)
Source: MSNBC News

Functional brain imaging shows that some of the same regions of the brain are activated by personal pain, at left, and by empathy over the pain of a loved one, at right. But other areas are not activated by empathy.
By Daniel Kane
Updated: 8:36 p.m. ET Feb. 19, 2004
WASHINGTON - Two new brain-imaging studies describing the origins of empathy and how placebos work provide insights into the nature of pain, the mind-body connection and what it means to be human.
Whether we’re feeling empathy when a loved one endures pain, or enjoying pain relief thanks to a placebo, pain-sensitive regions of our brains are at work — either creating or diminishing the experience of human pain. These findings appear in two papers published in Friday's issue of the journal Science, published by AAAS, the nonprofit science society.
Empathy is the human ability to feel what others feel. Humans use empathy to better navigate the social environment and answer questions such as: Is this person going to attack me? Faint? Run away? Cry?
“For humans, the more accurately you can predict the actions and needs of others, the better off you are,” said author Tania Singer from the Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience at University College London.
Moreover, the ability to “tune in” and empathize with others is a prerequisite for understanding, attachment, bonding and love — all of which are important for our survival, according to Singer.
Empathy is pain … sort of
In their studies on human volunteers, Singer and her colleagues found that feeling empathy activates some, but not all, of the pain-processing regions of the brain.
In a classical example of pain, such as grabbing a hot spoon handle, the burning pain shoots into temperature receptors on your skin, through nerves, up your spine and into your brain. Some regions of your brain process information such as where the pain comes from and how hot the spoon really was. Other regions of the brain process how unpleasant you felt the pain to be. Thus, how much the burn hurts and how bothersome this pain is differs for each situation and depends, among other things, on what else is going on in your head and the environment.
If you are involved in a serious car accident, your survival system is so busy that you hardly feel any pain even though you are severely injured. If, however, you’ve been exposed to someone with chicken pox, the slightest sensation on your skin may feel like the itching pain you are expecting.
The researchers found that empathy activates the same regions of the brain that process these context-dependent aspects of pain, including the anterior insula and anterior cingulate. Knowing your loved one is in pain automatically activates the subjective pain-processing regions of your brain, which leads to empathy. But the areas involved in processing the exact location of the pain in your body as well as the objective intensity of the pain are involved only when you experience pain in yourself.
Love hurts
The researchers studied how this all played out by using a brain-scanning technique called functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI. In the experiments, women who reported the strongest feelings of empathy showed the greatest activity in the context-dependent pain regions as their loved ones endured simulated bee stings. Even when the women didn’t see their partners’ pained faces, their brains reacted.
These findings suggest that humans are hard-wired to empathize. Singer speculated that you are probably better able to empathize with someone when you have experienced emotions and situations similar to those they are faced with. She also suggested we may be able to temper these automatic empathic reactions.
Among many directions for future research, Singer wants to see if liking or disliking someone changes your empathic response to their troubles.
A placebo's active ingredient
When the focus is your own pain, substances with no pharmaceutical value sometimes provide relief. The “active ingredient” in placebo treatments is your brain, according to the second study in Science.
“The experience of pain depends not only on sensory signals coming in, but on your emotional state and how you interpret those signals. Placebos could affect multiple aspects of the experience,” said study author Tor Wager, who recently moved from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor to Columbia University.
In a pair of experiments, subjects endured either shock or heat pains in order to test what they believed were pain-relieving creams. All of the creams were, in fact, placebos. Individuals who experienced pain relief from the creams returned for fMRI brain scans during placebo treatments.
Study participants who reported the greatest placebo-induced decreases in pain showed significantly decreased brain activity in certain pain-sensitive brain regions. Less brain activity in these areas seems to mean less pain.
Activity in some pain-sensitive regions did not drop when placebos relieved pain. This result strengthens the idea that placebos do not block the body’s sensory features that transmit pain from the skin to the brain. Instead, the brain modulates its interpretation of those signals.
Natural pain-relievers
When people who responded to placebos anticipated pain, there was a sharp rise in activation of a region of the brain linked to cognitive control, the prefrontal cortex.
In their study, the authors suggest that this brain activity is related to belief in the placebo, and they speculate that it may trigger the release of natural pain-relieving chemicals related to opium, called opioids.
“These findings acknowledge that pain is a psychologically constructed experience,” the authors write. The pain we feel seems to be a product of the sensory information we encounter and the unique ways in which we processes these sensations.
The scientists’ results challenge claims that placebo success stories reflect nothing but biased responses from study participants who somehow feel obligated to report benefits from placebo treatments.
In the future, Wager and his colleagues at Columbia, Michigan and Princeton -- including Edward Smith, Ken Casey, and Jonathan Cohen -- hope to learn just how far the effects of placebos reach inside your body.
“Can placebos, for example, improve immune responses or decrease signs of stress in the body?” Wager asked.
© 2004 American Association for the Advancement of Science
some very beautiful quotes i've compiled from the net thru extensive research
"We have two kinds of fears. One is a fear that whatever is going on is going to go on forever. It's just not true -- nothing goes on forever. The other is the fear that, even if it doesn't go on forever, the pain of whatever is happening will be so terrible we won't be able to stand it. There is a gut level of truth about this fear. It would be ridiculous to pretend that in our lives, in these physical bodies, which can hurt very much, and in relationships that can hurt very much, there aren't some very, very painful times. Even so, I think we underestimate ourselves. Terrible as times may be, I believe we can stand them." "The years teach much that the days never know." "If you bring forth what is within you, it will heal you. And if you do not bring forth what is within you, it will destroy you." "It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving." What we love to do we find time to do. Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life. Sleeping alone, except under doctor's orders, does much harm. Children will tell you how lonely it is sleeping alone. If possible, you should always sleep with someone you love. You both recharge your mutual batteries free of charge. To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world. Looking back, I have this to regret, that too often when I loved, I did not say so. There isn't any formula or method. You learn to love by loving -- by paying attention and doing what one thereby discovers has to be done. Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. Love is indescribable and unconditional. I could tell you a thousand things that it is not, but not one that it is. The story of a love is not important - what is important is that one is capable of love. It is perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity. To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others. They do not love that do not show their love. Love involves a peculiar unfathomable combination of understanding and misunderstanding. How bold one gets when one is sure of being loved If you would be loved, love and be lovable If you love the good that you see in another, you make it your own. The love we give away is the only love we keep. The best way to love is to love like you have never been hurt Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all. Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired For those passionately in love, the whole world seems to smile. There is no greater invitation to love than loving first. Love is like the truth, sometimes it prevails, sometimes it hurts. Let no one who loves be called altogether unhappy; Even love unreturned has its rainbow A friend is one who knows us, but loves us anyway. The greatest thing you ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. Love is not blind -- it simply enables one to see things others fail to see. Love is, above all, the gift of oneself. |
If it is something you can live with... die for... and face God with... then go for it... - Didache 2004
he has a point....... but...
all i can say is this...
there is a fine line between accepting someone for who he is and realizing that you have crossed the line... way too far already.
i don't know if he knows... but one of the major reasons why i loved him is because... he IS different...
and i still do love him intensely...
i am NOT ashamed of what he has done... in his past... and what he's been through...
and not all is fair... that's why life is very challenging...
if ever you read this... i love you and i care for you deeply. i just hope you understand everything that i wrote here in this post.
and the reason why i tell him to "straighten up" is.... i care for him so much... that it hurts.
i cannot possibly just tell him every single thing he's done is fine and i cannot just support them wholeheartedly. yes i can understand...
BUT... he has to understand ME as well...
i understand his side... but i hope that he knows... i'm just here... and i'll always care... and i hope he would care about the fact that i care about him... coz it seems like... he doesn't care too much on just about anything anymore...
i hope his coldness would stop... i hope that, even for a second... he would stop and realize and feel what others feel about him... so he could understand what's really going on...
i hope i could tell all of these to his face real soon...
ANYWAY i'm getting depressed again so I'll just talk about what happened when we went to EK--my very first time to see that place by the way. we started our day with the bump cars. OMG, we were like kids... after one round... we'll run and go back to the entrance and wait for our turn again... LOL. in other words... KINAREER na namin ito. hahaha.
everybody rode the ferris wheel... me... well i just want to stay here on earth thanks very much. so emer and i rode the swan thingie? anyway, after that emer pulled me towards the space shuttle... but i really couldn't ride that thing coz i know i'll just die. he finally gave up in convincing me that it would be really fun. yeah i guess deep inside... i know it'll be fun... but i guess i was just not in the mood to do such a daring thing at that time. maybe next time... when my stomach is much stronger and... when i'm feeling much better.
everyone also rode the anchor's away but hell...AGAIN, i still want to live and start a family and have kids NOH. so Say and i went to the mini roller coaster instead and... it was fun. he was scared... but i convinced him it was harmless... and it was! i'm good.. but he was still kinda scared... hahah. we were the only ones riding that thing. and after the 1st round, we went to a stop first then about to go for the 2nd round again... i told Say... ok... let's try not to scream this time... how about we talk about something once this thing starts running again. so we did... i told him... ok how about this... then i told him what happend last Friday... but we were about to drop from the vertical climb... and Say was shocked he said, "huuUUUHHHH?!?"... and... down we went... ".....WHHHHHYYYYYY?!" and i said... "BECAAAAUUUUUUSEE...!!!!......." and we swirved and it was becoming really fast and we were like talking and screaming and laughing at the same time hahaha.... but deep inside again... i was devastated... then again, i needed to be happy. and people around me were happy... so eventually... i became happy as welll... even for 1 whole day. but i still missed him...
ANYSHIT, so that ended... we went inside the arcade/souvenir store. i got a henna tattoo just below my nape. it looks like a spikey scorpion of some sort...? i don't know.. well i'll post the pic here sometime. just have to figure out how to send it from my sister's cellphone. it looks... nice! and by the way, thanks to kwek for this tattoo... she paid 100 bucks for this cool shit. i'll treat you next time don't ya worry mah friend.
then we went directly to the resto and ordered food coz we were so friggin' hungry already. we ordered 2 whole roasted chickens, a platter full of barbecue (both chicken and pork), gravy (*drooool*), strawberry jellos, and brownies. it was hella WORTH it.
good thing we were inside the resto when it started to rain. HARD. we didn't have umbrellas so we waited for the rain to mellow down a bit. so finally the rain mellowed down... we went outside and went back to ride the bump cars again. we rode it twice and then they went for the flying fiesta...? i hate those kind of rides... where you just go round and round and round... it's boring (*voice inside telling me--admit it you're just scared*) ... i want some variety... ya know?! LOL.
so after that they rode the Space Shuttle. omg, i can't believe i missed it. well... coz during that time, i just didn't feel like i want to think about death i guess...haha. so Say and i just watched them. watching them alone was unnerving... what more if i was actually sitting there... imagining how it would feel like if we get stuck in the middle of the loop? i think it only lasted for 2 minutes or 2 1/2. STILL... i only think i can ride that thing if my beloved was with me during that time... how i wish he was there...
ok NEXT STOP was the Log Jam... oh yeah... we were really ready to get wet... the line was loong... but it was moving fast and before we knew it, it was our turn already. ok so i was really psyched... then again i was also kinda nervous because i saw there's this loooong diagonal drop... or...whatever! anyway, good thing during that time, i was already beyond hyperactive... so up we went... then DROOOOPPPPP!!!! ... gosh... G-force man... we were like WOAH!! ok... my hair got wet... my shoulders... but the fun didn't stop there... up we went again... this time it would be a higher drop.. more like... suicidal drop. and yes... G-force was grrrreat... but the drop took like forever before it ended. and boy did we get wet. i thought that i won't get any wetter than that... hell, i was wrong...
LAST STOP--Riogrande Rapids. Others told me...we would get wet...AGAIN. it was kinda scary... but for the most part of the ride... i was close to crying already because once our ride went on the surface of the water... once the water started running a bit rough... i was almost always against the current so i have to look at my back to see where we're going. and the water stained my friggin' ass. not only did my pants got wet... my undies got wet as well... from my butt to my thighs... and all around. but i think kwek is the more unfortunate one here coz she was the one who passed under the waterfalls. so she's wet from head to butt... to toe.... yeah. STILL... it's really an eeky feeling when you're walking around with your friggin' ass wet all over.
after that one, it was already around 7PM and kwek and i had to go. it was getting dark, and everyone was still planning to go to Tagaytay to eat and hang out...somewhere out there. so we had to commute... with our butts and clothes still wet. when we reached home, which was about 9PM... we were still wet. kwek and i ate dinner... went in my room... she lied down... i followed... then before we knew it... we both fell asleep... we didn't even get to take a bath first?!?!? eww...
lessons of the day: don't just bring an extra shirt (yeah i'm guilty as charged for doing that)... bring extra pants and undies as well. AND always go there with more than 4 people... coz we got a promo, 1,700 for four people... included in that package are ride-all-you-can passes and food for four. we were 12 in all... so we were lucky. you'll never know... there might be other promos next time -- the more the merrier. AND LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST, DON'T EVER PLAN ON TAKING RIOGRANDE RAPIDS AS THE LAST RIDE OF THE DAY... make it the first i guess, so you'll have ample time to dry up your butt... flying fiesta anyone?
Last updated: September 17, 2004 (9:47 AM)
#1 Ang naunang magalit ang may karapatang magalit. Pag naunahan ka na ng galit niya, tumahimik ka na lang muna.
#2 Walang taong nag-aaway mag-isa. Pag hindi kayo sumagot o pumatol, titigil din daw ang taong nakikipag- away sa inyo.
#3 Ang taong galit, 'bingi.' If someone is angry, wala raw pinakikinggan, so, don't try to explain and fight back. Hindi ka niya iintindihin dahil wala siyang naririnig kundi ang sarili nya.
#4 Ang taong galit, 'abnoy.' Ayon sa pastor, Biblical daw ito... because the Lord said when He was crucified, "Father, patawarin mo sila dahil hindi nila alam ang kanilang ginagawa."
Modern term for these kinds of people are abnoys, so you better not get angry para huwag kang matawag na abnoy.
You should also know and realize that the persons who make your day bad are jewel, because you need them for you to mature.
Hangga't andyan daw sila at kinaiinisan mo, ibig sabihin, immature ka pa.
God will not take away those people; it's for you to take away your bad feelings towards them.
You'll know na mature ka na pag dumating 'yung time na hindi ka na naiinis sa mga taong ito because you have learned to accept them and to have patience with them.
#5 Finally, the best part of this is to tell yourself na, because of this person, "I will grow mature," and that DAHIL SA CONTRIBUTION NIYA SA MATURITY MO, KUKUNIN DIN SYA NI LORD.
bwahhahahahha... jk... pero sori natatawa ako BWAHAHAHAHAHA *evil grin*
But... who's the right person? If we do find the right person... and it didn't work out again... and things went really bad... he would still turn out to be the wrong person? How will you ever know? When will you ever know?
And who are we to judge... who's right and who's wrong?
Can we actually say we are, too, or YOU are... or I'M the right person? For this person?
Maybe what we really meant is that... when we say... "DAMN... but he's soo right for me..." that it felt right... it feels right when you're with him every time... for a time you felt you were compatible... but not for long.
What do we mean when we're looking for Mr. Right? Right face? Right nose? Right attitude? At the right time?
I think we're actually looking for Mr. Perfect. I think... even if we do find a person... who's really kind, generous, mature, rational, etc... thinking maybe this time you found Mr. Right or Mr. Perfect... at one time or another... you will see that there would still be something wrong with him or her...
We'll just have to accept the fact, too, that things aren't always certain (as I always say to my friends) and that things don't always turn out the way we want them to be. We will never find Mr. Right... or Ms. Right...
Coz he or she... will at one time be Mr. Wrong... or Ms. Wrong...
Maybe it's just up to us how we handle THEM and/or how we handle the problem they bring or give to us... the RIGHT way.