this is my karma.... but i'm accepting it... and i lost the one i loved...
and i'm accepting it...
i hope he receives his karma, too...
i want his karma to hit him right into his head... or where it will really hurt...
i... want him to end up with nothing...
those people he kept for himself... 2 people to be exact... because of his selfishness... should not come back to him...
he already lost me... so now i just hope he doesn't get the other one...
not because i'm jealous...
but JUST because... i want him to feel pain...
i want him to suffer, too...
i want to leave him with his hands really empty........ and no one to fill it up again... for a very very VERY VERY VERY long time.
what goes around...comes around...
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
posted by niknok at 5:20:00 PM
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