lunch tym a few hours ago, we ate at mcdo and i told them, i don't want to be an employee anymore. it gets boring after sometime you know? i just cant imagine my whole life doing the same shit everyday...going to the same office...dealing with the same boss (who by the way is not someone i want to talk to or even see everyday...kz break na kami..hmp)...doing the same job without any challenge at all....
i told my sister i wanted the two of us to put up a biznes...i dont know what kind of bizness yet but thats just what i want and what i imagine to be doing for quite a long time...that i know i would really enjoy............(sana...)
at first we thought of a store and she said, "buti kee" (lizard)--jologs counterpart of lacoste....pucha. cant she think of something more imaginative? my gawd...but she said it would be a hit because canadians wont have any idea at all what it means and it sounds weird daw but cool........

but she's forgetting that there are so many filipinos in canada and they know what butee kee means and they'll just laugh at us....and soon everyone will get what the name of our store really means. it sounds like a kind of food or something....but oh...she's really serious ha...

anyway...for the mean time i can accept butee kee mainly bcoz i cant think of an alternative name so i hope our small boti que will be a hit... *rolls eyes* if you guyz ever see butee kee store in the future....yup...that's ours! hahaha...
my sister wants to get paid just by sleeping and she asked my mom if there's a job liek that....and my mom said....YAH...like...maybe a prostitute!

my mom said BE A WHORE. yeah...(that's how we talk around our house especially when it's just me, my sis and my mom..)
anyway so my mom wanted to be the pimp and she'll market my sister, being the white lady that she is, to those perverts who like to do it w/ dead people......my mom tells my sister...that if she just wants to sleep she can do so...just lie down and 'open up' and sleep...pretend she's dead......
LOL. actually, this isnt our weirdest and grossest convo...we've had worse.
but we just laugh our asses off...goodness...
...then one of my ofismates suggested that i could do the same although this time...i can pretend im dead...sleep inside the coffin...so that crooks can pretend they're just attendin a wake but really...they're just playin jueteng........wat a way to do a lazy job....hahaha...
...any more suggestions?
speaking of suggestions....i need a theme for my sister's bridal shower.......
could we also wear costumes? hahaha ano halloween? hahaha...
i'm doing nothing. just blogging.......i need to revamp this site......next layout -- HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE!!!
wooopeeeee my baby and i will be watching hp4 this sat.......i miss u soooooo much baby ko! i luv yah soooooo much! yari ka rin saken sa sat...tangina.